Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Don’t Forget To Be Awesome

How many of us have ever sat down and given a deep thinking on what actually are the qualities others like about you? Being a social animal, it is imperative to know your real self clearly. Believe it or not, despite of the tall and fake claims of not doing so, each of us accommodates ourselves according to the people in our surroundings, places and situations where we are in. Why do we do that?

Do we really need to know all this is the first question that crosses our minds. Of course, yes! Knowing what you really are helps you in making you the most beautiful. Because it is only possible by self observance, something that not a lot of people have time for. Observe as much as you can about yourself and you will be ready. More than you yourself, its people who are around or rather, people who matter will love you like never before. And mind you, look at it carefully and you realize that you have already accommodated.

Don’t just forget to be awesome even when the going is tough… because you reflect what you are within. Our ignorance doesn’t allow us think of the amount of preparation your recruiter does before meeting you.

There is no selection or rejection but only borderline pass. And the reason is because no one can ever identify the ‘real’ truth only while screening or without looking at one’s performance. Even the brightest of candidates are border line pass. Few of them write destiny with their own hands whereas many others are busy throwing tantrums!!!

Use your ‘awe’ in being ‘awesome’ and walk in…

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