Tuesday, 25 December 2012

What To Do When Your Existing Commitments Leave No Time For Job Hunting

Modern life styles are very busy.  People are either at school, work, socializing, taking care of family, running errands, and doing a million other things that make up daily life.  You’ll often find that the more urgent the need for a new job, the time available for job hunting is proportionally smaller.  If you’re already employed, you might not want your coworkers or your supervisors to know that you’re looking for a new job, and that leaves no time for surreptitiously checking out job portals.  If you are a student, you may not be able to take time off classes to call employers and send resumes to hundreds of recruiters – after looking up job openings on dozens of classifieds pages and newspaper ads.

The solution is actually very simple.  Instead of spending all your free time looking for a job, make it easier for jobs to find you.  This does seem like a very silly solution, until you take into account how the Internet works.  Your resume in this case is like an employment office of bygone days where employers look up your profile and contact you if they find it is of interest to them.  Therefore, you need to leverage your resume in order to help employers find you.  This will save you a lot of time and effort and, the Internet being what it is, you need not even spend a great amount of money to apply for jobs.

The first step is to build a credible online profile.  A good rule of thumb is to scan your current social networking profiles, or any other online profile and remove information you think might be detrimental to your cause.  Sometimes it is difficult to manage all this on your own. You will also need to create a resume that attracts the right jobs.  Seems too difficult?  Let the experts take over the task.  At click2resume.com we have extensive knowledge of how recruiters find the best candidates to fill job openings.  We also know what employers are looking for in potential employees.  Our knowledge is therefore crucial in getting job seekers the job they have always wanted.

Reviews have been all praise for our resume writing services, and the users have also recommended our Resume Blaze service.  Resume Blaze is where we highlight your resume among our network of recruiters and employers, ensuring that more recruiters become aware of your profile.  This in turn, ensures that recruiters send invitations for interview even when you are busy with other commitments. 

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